I am happy to offer support for reproductive health, digestive wellness, and low back pain relief through Abdominal Therapy, of the ‘Maya Abdominal Massage’ lineage.
On a personal healing journey through complete pelvic floor prolapse, I received Abdominal Massage sessions and was taught the self-massage routine; this offered me the support I needed to walk the road of grief into praise. Through diligent self-massage, following a homecare plan and integrating subtle lifestyle changes, my ‘irreversible’ condition remarkably improved and is stable and maintained with confidence through self-massage. I am honored to now practice this modality of the same lineage I received from, as a certified practitioner through the Abdominal Therapy Collective, co-founded by Dr. Rosita Arvigo (‘Maya Abdominal Massage’).
Abdominal Therapy is indicated for any body with a need for reproductive, digestive, and low back support.
This includes:
- Relief of pain in the sacroiliac joint, lumbar spine and hips
- Misalignment of the pelvis
- Pelvic pain and menstrual irregularities
- Support prior to conception
- Fertility challenges for all genders
- Prenatal support at 20 weeks pregnant until birth, to support an easeful transition
- Postpartum support at 6 weeks postpartum and 3 months post-cesarean birth
- Peri/Postmenopausal support
- Pelvic organ prolapse/tilt support
- Overactive bladder challenges
- Liver and gallbladder support
- E.D. and prostate health
- Circulation and nerve sensation to the legs and feet
- Chronic digestive challenges
- Sciatic sensation
I offer sessions with trust and experience that clients will find relief from congestion within the entire abdomen bringing increased circulation, nerve support, lymphatic flow and vitality back to center. In an Abdominal Therapy session, along with treatment to the front of the abdomen and the entire back of the body, the effective self-care routine is taught to each client. This element greatly enhances the effectiveness of the work.
What to expect in a session:
Sessions can range from 1 to 2 hours in length.
For clients only wanting treatment to the front of the abdomen, sessions are 1 hour. For most conditions, it is encouraged to receive treatment to both the front and back of the body, as our digestive and reproductive functions are supplied by nerves along the spine and sacrum.
To also incorporate deeper, relaxation massage, please request to book a 2 hour session.
You will receive an in-depth Health Intake to complete prior to our session. You can dress down to your comfort for the bodywork; bare skin to the torso and loose fitted bottoms are preferred.
We begin by connecting for a few moments about your personal journey. We then begin the bodywork to the front of the abdomen.
Our work on the upper abdomen releases the diaphragm and upper digestive tract; work on the lower abdomen begins just above the pubic bone. Next, we walk through performing the 5-10 minute self-massage routine to do at home.
For 90-minute and 2-hour sessions, bodywork to your entire back is provided, honing in on the connective tissue attachments and nerve supply of the lumbar spine, sacrum, and coccyx. We complete the work by releasing the hips and glutes.
You will be given an illustrated 1-page instruction to guide you at home for your self-care routine and written instruction for any recommendations you resonate with.
Per client need and resonance, specific recommendations may include:
- Perineal steam instruction and appropriate herbs to use
- Castor oil pack instruction
- Herbal recommendations
- How to use a bellywrap/Faja
- Postural changes
Notes for clients:
- It is best to not perform the lower abdominal massage while menstruating. Please schedule for after your menstruation.
- If you are working to conceive, it is best to perform the massage after menstruation and before ovulation.
- Work can be performed around mesh if surgery for hernia has been performed. It is important to know where this mesh is. We work around hernias and not directly over them.
- Pessaries must be taken out prior to the massage.
- It is best to wait 6 weeks postpartum via vaginal delivery and 3 months post-Cesarean birth.
- It is best to wait 6-8 weeks post-surgery to the abdomen.
- For chronic digestive challenges, it is best to wait until after a flare-up has ceased to perform the massage.
- I cannot perform work to the lower abdomen in the presence of an IUD, as this may dislodge the device, nor with Essure Implantable Birth Control.
The Lineage:
Dr. Rosita Arvigo, founding member of the the Abdominal Therapy Collective, developed this tried and true routine by blending techniques of her classical training as a Naprapathic doctor and those taught to her by Don Elijio Panti, a priest-doctor in Belize. Don Elijio Panti generously took on Dr. Arvigo as an apprentice, and for 13 years taught her the ways of plant medicine, prayer and diligent bodywork. As a doctor of Naprapathy, Dr. Arvigo’s techniques concern connective tissue: ligaments, tendons, joints, muscle and fascia. My first direct teacher of this work, Miss Amy Colo, also a founding member of the Abdominal Therapy Collective, further integrated her skills as a midwife of 25 years into her instruction. I am grateful to integrate this work at Spa and blend myofascial treatments with the complete Abdominal Therapy routine.
In vital health!
Julia Funaro
Abdominal Massage Practitioner, License #27821
Certified through the Abdominal Therapy Collective