Thank you for entering the bold space of Holistic Pelvic Care™. Holistic Pelvic Care™ (HPC™), developed by Tami Lynn Kent, is the holistic practice consisting of physical and energetic tools designed to evaluate, restore balance, and enhance vibrant flow in the pelvic bowl of the female body by working with a woman’s core patterns. HPC™ bodywork is internal (intravaginal) myofascial release of the female pelvic floor fascia.
My intention as a practitioner is to empower clients as they reclaim the space of their pelvic bowls and remove blockages to their creativity and wellness. This work is designed to refresh and decongest the physical and energetic holdings of our pelvic bowls. Rooted in balancing the core energetics within, accompanied by an internal myofascial release of the pelvic floor fascia, we create space during a session for the patterns that will best serve us going forward. Fascia, the great Storyteller of the body, reveals the patterns, imprints, emotions, memories, and lineages we individually carry. Fascia of the pelvic bowl thrives with flow; as the pelvic bowl has the capacity to hold and release, store and refresh, it is vital for our creative well-being and physical health to cultivate movement in this Spring within. With full consent, one can choose to experience fascial unwinding through her pelvic bowl in a session.
The internal myofascial release is designed to work with the female anatomy.
HPC™ aims to:
- Clear pelvic congestion and support flow.
- Restore pelvic engagement, fascial balance, and connection to center.
- Support organ health and alignment (best coupled with Abdominal Therapy for prolapses, see Menu tab).
- Alleviate pelvic pain, symptoms, and menstrual imbalances.
- Alleviate low back pain caused by internal pelvic floor restrictions.
- Increase libido and ability to orgasm.
- Support life transitions (ie menopause).
- Preparing for pregnancy.
- Support healing for miscarriage, birth loss, and birthing trauma.
- Support healing from your own birth story.
- Fortify energetic connection with your children, no matter their age.
- Address effects of cancer treatment.
- Resolve trauma imprints and occupy one’s own pelvic space.
- Establish energetic boundaries.
- Balance the embodied yin/yang, inward/outward presence within.
- Move beyond the binary fracture into wholeness and creative potential.
Pelvic Care Packages are available as an ideal massage therapy approach in treating complex, chronic, and deep-seated conditions. Packages include a consultation, developing a treatment plan aiming to meet your pelvic wellness needs, fully engaging in a spectrum of pelvic wellness massage offerings, including Holistic Pelvic Care™, (Maya/Arvigo) Abdominal Massage Therapy, and fascial/trigger point therapy to specifically release the pelvis and spine. A package may include 4–12 sessions, depending on your goals and needs, with a minimum of 2 Abdominal Therapy sessions and 2 Holistic Pelvic Care™ sessions. Additionally, you may opt to include in your package relaxing, therapeutic massage with focused myofascial/trigger point work to specifically release the spine, pelvis, and thighs. As with all of the Abdominal Therapy offerings, the reliable abdominal self-massage is taught to you as part of your continuity of care.
What to expect in a session:
Sessions are between 45–60 mins. Typically, between 3–6 sessions are recommended to address a condition or holding pattern.
After completing a short intake and connecting together on holding patterns of your body, we will observe goals and decide what may be addressed during the session. Client will dress from the waist down and prepare for the session. We begin with an external assessment to address tender points. Following this, you may choose to consent to the internal (intravaginal) myofascial release; if you are not ready for this, we will continue with external unwinding and energetic work. Internally, I assess the pelvic floor engagement and then flow into treatment of clearing holding patterns via myofascial release, guided prompts, and intentional breathing/awareness. As emotions and imprints reveal themselves, you are encouraged to share and together we repattern and remediate. We end by debriefing findings and suggestions for care at home. Clients are encouraged to drink plenty of water after sessions. There may be soreness for a day or two, as well as energetic and emotional detoxing or change. You are encouraged to take care of yourself at home and hold space for the changes that follow.
At any point in the session, we can switch to solely energetic work (Energetics of Creativity™) and discontinue internal myofascial release.
Clients are encouraged at any point in their menstruation cycle to do this work. This work is for folks 18+ years old, able to give their own consent.
Cautions and considerations:
- Intravaginal work is not performed during pregnancy.
- It is appropriate postpartum once cleared to resume intercourse.
- Energetic work is only done beyond the first trimester of pregnancy.
- Sober & with support system (10+ years sobriety of significant substance dependency, including alcohol).
- If significant trauma is present, client must have a strong support system and have journeyed through counseling to address these traumas.
- If a client has had pelvic surgery and mesh in is place, this needs to be communicated.
The lineage:
Before walking the path of a bodyworker, my life work was as a social worker and counselor for children and families. On this path, I became familiar with traumas and imprints, seeing the deep need for awareness, mind-body-energy connection, and self-empowerment. I feel grateful and inspired to practice HPC™ as a tool to empower cultivating change within.
Holistic Pelvic Care™ was developed by women’s health physical therapist of 20+ years and author, Tami Lynn Kent, MSPT. I am grateful to be directly trained by Tami and to have received her blessings to practice this work as an HPC™ practitioner here at Spa. Along with developing the techniques used in HPC™, Tami is a well-known author, contributing to the field of women’s wellness and the lives of many women and families through her books: Wild Creative, Wild Feminine, and Wild Mothering (Mothering from Your Center). HPC™ couples synergistically with Dr. Rosita Arvigo’s work in Abdominal Massage. Feel free to see the Abdominal Therapy tab to explore if this path is a good fit for you.